Last weekend at the 10th anniversary celebration for Weaving Indiana, the others brought in their challenge projects of gamps, all in bright colors. I finally warped my tabletop loom with six shades of naturally colored cotton: green, unbleached natural, oatmeal, khaki, caramel, and buffalo, with a second panel of green for a border. When it's done, I'll simmer it about a half hour until the colors darken, and then those colors are supposed to stay the darker shades. Fun experiment!
Warping black is not fun, but when I saw this medieval pattern, I thought it would look great with the black pattern and plum for the background, and so it is. I was thrilled to see the first repeats develop.Here are the right and "wrong" sides.
I have a six-yard warp, so I'll have a medieval dress before the winter is over!